Tuesday is the craziest day of the week for me. Garrett goes to preschool for 3 hours (drop off & pick up), then he has a speech class in the next town over for 1/2 hour(I wait in my car), I help in Carter's class & then you add all of the other activities (sports, practices, work, homework, etc...) that happen everyday & it is BUSY!
It never fails, Carter asks me every Tuesday if I will stay & eat lunch with him. Their lunch period begins as I finish up in the classroom. I figure I better enjoy the invite while I can. I am sure that in a few years he will stop asking me to join he & his friends for lunch. I love sitting with him & chatting with his friends. They are a lively bunch. I hear "Hi Mrs. K" from all corners of the cafeteria. By the way, when I hear Mrs. K, I still look for my Mother in Law :). I am too young to be called Mrs. K! This is why I love working in my boys classrooms, you get to know the children & they know you. I love my Tuesdays with Carter. He is such a great kid. He can often be found looking out for the under dogs. He is the boy that will invite the one boy to eat lunch with him when the others have said they don't want to sit by this little boy. He defends the children who are picked on. He has a big heart & it makes me so proud. My heart broke today while eating lunch with Carter. The lunch tables were not set up today, so the kids can sit on the floor, which they love doing -EEEEWWWWW! There are a few benches along the back wall & that is where we sat. As I sat there today, I saw a little girl approach another little girl who was sitting on the bench. She put her lunch down & went to sit when the little girl said, "you can't sit there, my FRIEND is going to sit there". This is where my heart broke & my eyes filled up with tears. The little girl picked up her lunch, got up & moved farther down the bench. She sat all by herself. It was awful. With 900 children attending that school, there is no reason someone should feel left out or feel like they have to eat lunch alone. We tried to invite her to sit with us but I think the group of 6 rowdy boys scared her away. I have been thinking about her all day & can still see her face when she was told that she could not sit there. So...my challenge for the day, for everyday is to take time to smile or talk to the people who may need a friend. A kind word sure does go a long way!
I love my Tuesdays with Carter. I love watching him with his friends. I love getting little glimpses of his day while he is away from home. And I love that I know that he has eaten his sandwich on Tuesdays!
So sad, I wonder if I know her???
That is so neat that you have lunch with him on your crazy day. I feel bad on Thursdays when B asks for me to stay, but I have to take K to ballet. Thursdays are my crazy day, so I know how you feel.
oh, my heart broke just reading that. so, so sad.
I know I have told you this a million times but your posts are ALWAYS so good. I love the challenge and I am totally going to do this! Your story broke my heart, poor girl!
My biggest fear of having children! Either they will be the mean one or the one left out. As a parent I think you can only each your kids so much. Way to go!! If mine turn out like Carter I will be ok! Thanks for the reminder.
What a sweet boy you have! I love that he invites you to eat with him.
Thanks for the challenge. Its important even as adults to include everyone!
I worry about my girls too. Ugh. It's so stressful! I too love being in Erin's class. Always an adventure!
sounds like a busy day and so can relate with all that you said.
How great is it that you CAN spend your Tuesdays having lunch with Carter!!? He's such a sweet boy. I'm sad about that little girl. How mean! Thanks for the reminder to just send a smile!!
so fun!!
i love the last little bit about knowing that on Tues he eats his sandwich. i often wonder if J eats her lunch.
I felt so sad after reading your post. Aydon has come home and told me about boys who say that to him and it breaks my heart. To think of any child and especially your own feeling that way is so sad. But We just have to lift them up when they get home. You are such a sweet person and you always inspire me to be a better person by small and simple things. So thank you!
What a tear jerker! I remember sitting in the car spying on J when he was in kindergarten at recess and no one would play with him so he ended up walking around the playground all by himself. I sat balling my eyes out, and there was nothing I could do except make some suggestions to him when he got home. It is such an awful feeling to know that your kids are feeling sad or left out. They deserve the best. I wish we could all treat each other kindly. And as for your challenge I will look for someone who might be feeling a little left out, or maybe someone who is struggling. Thanks for the challenge. Love ya!
That's my Carter! He will grow into a man who has all the things that matter in a person that are worth more than money! They are priceless! I am fortunate to know a few that have looked out for me. It is nice to see a new one coming up in the ranks. Way to go Raimi and John for raising a son who is aware, loving and kind.
Hugs to you Carter
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