These are the Bunko Babes in my Bunko group. I love that first shot. It is so us & just shows how much fun we have each time we get together. We can't stop talking :). I had asked John if he would come out & take a group picture for us. I am not sure how long he stood there waiting for us to get organized & ready to smile. He snapped that picture & the flash caught our attention-LOL! We all started to laugh & say, "now we are ready". The Bunko Babes are a wonderful group of women that I have gotten to know & love. They are an amazing group of girls. I am so thankful for each one of their friendships. The group has changed during the last few years due to girls moving in & out. I miss those girls! It is a great night out & allows for some serious girlfriend time. I had a wonderful time last night. We laughed & ate till it hurt. I was the hostess this month. When you are the hostess, you plan the menu & run around all day cleaning your house so you can host Bunko in your home. OK, maybe I'm the only one who stresses about the cleaning part-who knows! We had appetizers, salads, homemade rolls, & dessert. Everything was fabulous. Thanks for bringing all the YUMMY food, ladies. We start @ 6:30 but don't usually get the game going till 7:45 because we are having a great time gabbing & just catching up with everyone. Lisa H. won the Morty prize last night. The Morty prize is the BIG coveted prize that is won @ the last minute of the game. Each Month, the Morty basket has a different theme. This month is was a SUMMER theme. Five other prizes are given out for Most wins, most losses, most Bunkos, etc... Amy brought the prizes last night. I am so glad I won one. I had the most wins-woot woot! The prizes were these giant, fun clothes pins that she found @ Tai Pan. I even won a red one. Thanks Amy! This was Lisa'a 2nd month in a row winning the Morty basket- Congrats Lisa! We are taking her to Thunder Valley next time & she what she can win us!
I am enjoying a clean house today. Brody is napping. Garrett is watching cartoons in my bed while I type this. I am going to join him so we can both take a nap! I hope everyone is enjoying their day!
P.S. that darling baby is little Hyrum, Julianne's sweet boy. He was so good, he just slept in Amy's arms all night!
Oh do I need to even say it????? I so wish I could have been there! I miss bunko. It looks like a ton of fun.
P.S. Julianne (I know you faithfully read Raimi's blog) your baby is soooo darling. He looks like such a sweetie!
That was such a fun night! I just LOVE coming to Bunko to catch up and have girlfriend time. I feel recharged after Bunko with my friends! We miss you, too, Meridee! Raimi, I'd love a copy of the 1st picture of us talking.
Thanks Raimi for having all of us over. It was such a fun time visiting and enjoying the yummy food!
I can't believe I won again. I learned it all from my grandmother, she loves to play games of all kinds.(me too!)
That first picture is so great. I love that John took it. Looks like a great time. Gotta love girlfriends!
Wish I was there! hey you guys can still call me for sub :0)
I miss bunco, and all you girls.
Looks like great fun. I've never played. I work with a great guy - and his lovely wife Jane - kicks him out when she has to host
Bunko!! No men allowed! So sometimes we have dinner after work and catch up on our outside lives. Funny...huh? When we're done he usually goes back to work (!) because he can't go home until the "girls" are done!!LOL
Hugs, Free
sounds like a fun evening in. :)
oh i am soooo jealous! i would drive to the ends of the earth for a fun bunko group to join!!
so cool!
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