Here we are, another month down. It is officially Fall. We are wondering when it will actually feel like Fall??? Looking forward to cooler weather in the new month ahead.
ZERO more days of waiting for Green Tangerines to re-open. They're back in business!!!
ONE book read by John. This is a BIG deal. John thinks the last book he read(besides the Book of Mormon)from cover to cover was in high school. Tanner challenged John to read the Hunger Games and he did. He loved it and will be reading Catching Fire next.
TWO books read by me (Mocking Jay and The girl With The Dragon Tattoo).
THREE dice rolled for a couple of hours...GNO Bunko style.
FOUR scrapbook pages completed (Summer Moments, First Day of School,Third of July, and Our Soccer Super Star).
FIVE cards were created...all birthdays.
SIX the # of candles my niece, Sadie had on her birthday cake.
NINE blog posts.
FOURTEEN years of wedded bliss celebrated by J&R.
EIGHTEEN miles logged during the month for Tanner. Some miles were Cross Country training and others were from the actual meets.
TWENTY the day of the month in September that we were married on.
TWENTY AND A HALF miles logged for me this month (mostly on my treadmill).
TWENTY FOUR hour beach trip (Dillon)with the youth from church. We packed a lot of fun in those 24 hours.
TWENTY FIVE soccer games were played by our boys(Tanner, Carter, and Garrett) in the month of September. I am thinking the term "Soccer Mom" is VERY fitting for my life at this moment.
THIRTY daily photos captured for another month of Project Life.
FOUR HUNDRED AND THIRTY THREE dollars saved when you have a hubby who can replace a your cars water pump. The dealership wanted $600.00.
FIVE HUNDRED minutes logged by Garrett for his daily reading goal.
Another action packed month for the Krupp Family. Can you believe we are only 2 1/2 months away from Christmas?
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
this boy
As crazy as he can make me on any given day with all of his mischief, he can also make me smile and giggle myself silly. On our way to Wal*Mart, he asked me if we were going to buy candy. I told him no, we were going to buy milk, yogurt and bread. He then said, "you forgot to say candy". I told him we weren't buying candy. He then said, "we can buy milk ,yogurt, bread AND candy. Is that a Deal"???. He then proceeded to tell me that I needed to say "deal". Oh, how the three year old mind works...and where in the world did he learn how to make a deal?
p.s. I love this little boy.
Monday, September 27, 2010
a little of this. a little of that.
The days are moving by way too fast. Life is super busy and super fun. I am truly blessed. I thought I would share our last week, Project Life style. I am still taking a photo of something each day that represents what I want my family to remember about the year 2010.
Sunday, September 19, 2010

I have been serving in the Young Woman's program at church for almost a year now. I teach the 16 - 18 year old girls. I love spending time with them and hearing about their lives and adventures. I usually create some type of handout each week that goes with the lesson. This weeks lesson was all about making wise choices. 2010 will go down in my memory as the handout year.
Monday, September 20, 2010

A selfie taken in the car on our anniversary! We are getting pretty good at taking our own pictures -LOL! John and celebrated 14 years of wedded bliss. The day was its normal busy practices, homework with the boys, chores, etc... We were able to escape that evening. We went out to dinner and just enjoyed each other.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

We were able to help welcome home our friend,Elder T.J. Gibson. He has spent the last two years of his life in Brazil serving a mission for our church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints). John had the chance to get to know him in the Young men's program. Our boys love and look up to T.J.. It was a very emotional homecoming...especially catching that first glimpse of T.J. at the top of the escalator at the airport.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Green Tangerines is back in business. A big HOORAY in my book. I am back on board designing the Kit of The Week. Here is a little peek at this weeks kit. It is a Back to School theme. I designed it last week but it looks like it will be released as this weeks kit. I am already creating another layout for next week...think Summer highlights/favorites.
Thursday, September 23, 2010

I am not quite sure if I want to remember this stage in life but it surely needs to be documented. Someday, I will hopefully look back on this week with Brody and laugh. Mr. Brody has been into everything. The latest victims were a bag of powdered doughnuts, my white scrapbook table(with black permanent ink), half a bottle of laundry soap, and the top drawer in my bathroom(think make up, tooth paste...oh my!!!!)
Friday, September 24, 2010

Today was the first recognition assembly of the new school year. Garrett received the responsibility award. It was a surprise to him and we were glad that we were there to cheer him on. This is what his teachers(he has two. They split the week up) had to say about him.
"Garrett is a very responsible student. He can be counted on to do his best work, and is a good example to those around him. Garrett is a class leader, and we are lucky to have him in our class." Way to GO Garrett.
Saturday, September 25, 2010

{this isn't my actual Project Life photo...waiting to receive the big group shot that we took before leaving. These are a few of the cute kids from our group at the beach}
I had the chance to camp over night with the youth from our ward. We headed to Dillon Beach right after school on Friday and came home Saturday afternoon. It was a quick 24 hours. I think there were about 40 kids and 10 leaders who went. We enjoyed a camp fire, great meals, camp songs, birthday cupcakes for Kendal, capture the flag till midnight on the sand dunes, cows roaming through our camp and mooing into the wee hours of the morning, not sleeping very well, games on the beach, photo ops and the treasured Slurpee's on the way home. I am very thankful for those friends who helped get our children to and from soccer games while I was away & while John was with Tanner at his San Francisco tournament.
It has been aother great week at the Krupp house.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I have been serving in the Young Woman's program at church for almost a year now. I teach the 16 - 18 year old girls. I love spending time with them and hearing about their lives and adventures. I usually create some type of handout each week that goes with the lesson. This weeks lesson was all about making wise choices. 2010 will go down in my memory as the handout year.
Monday, September 20, 2010
A selfie taken in the car on our anniversary! We are getting pretty good at taking our own pictures -LOL! John and celebrated 14 years of wedded bliss. The day was its normal busy practices, homework with the boys, chores, etc... We were able to escape that evening. We went out to dinner and just enjoyed each other.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
We were able to help welcome home our friend,Elder T.J. Gibson. He has spent the last two years of his life in Brazil serving a mission for our church(The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints). John had the chance to get to know him in the Young men's program. Our boys love and look up to T.J.. It was a very emotional homecoming...especially catching that first glimpse of T.J. at the top of the escalator at the airport.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Green Tangerines is back in business. A big HOORAY in my book. I am back on board designing the Kit of The Week. Here is a little peek at this weeks kit. It is a Back to School theme. I designed it last week but it looks like it will be released as this weeks kit. I am already creating another layout for next week...think Summer highlights/favorites.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I am not quite sure if I want to remember this stage in life but it surely needs to be documented. Someday, I will hopefully look back on this week with Brody and laugh. Mr. Brody has been into everything. The latest victims were a bag of powdered doughnuts, my white scrapbook table(with black permanent ink), half a bottle of laundry soap, and the top drawer in my bathroom(think make up, tooth paste...oh my!!!!)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Today was the first recognition assembly of the new school year. Garrett received the responsibility award. It was a surprise to him and we were glad that we were there to cheer him on. This is what his teachers(he has two. They split the week up) had to say about him.
"Garrett is a very responsible student. He can be counted on to do his best work, and is a good example to those around him. Garrett is a class leader, and we are lucky to have him in our class." Way to GO Garrett.
Saturday, September 25, 2010

{this isn't my actual Project Life photo...waiting to receive the big group shot that we took before leaving. These are a few of the cute kids from our group at the beach}
I had the chance to camp over night with the youth from our ward. We headed to Dillon Beach right after school on Friday and came home Saturday afternoon. It was a quick 24 hours. I think there were about 40 kids and 10 leaders who went. We enjoyed a camp fire, great meals, camp songs, birthday cupcakes for Kendal, capture the flag till midnight on the sand dunes, cows roaming through our camp and mooing into the wee hours of the morning, not sleeping very well, games on the beach, photo ops and the treasured Slurpee's on the way home. I am very thankful for those friends who helped get our children to and from soccer games while I was away & while John was with Tanner at his San Francisco tournament.
It has been aother great week at the Krupp house.
Green Tangerines,
Kit of the week,
Project Life,
Monday, September 20, 2010
by the numbers...anniversary style

14 years ago today, I married my best friend. In the 14 years that we have been married, we have lived in 2 different apartments. We have moved 3 times. We attended many years of college (mostly night school). There was 1 lost(never found -mine)wedding ring. John graduated from college. I received my AA degree and a communication degree. We have owned 7 different cars(2 Honda's, 2 Tahoe's, 2 Toyota trucks, and 1 Maxima). We won 1 free trip to Hawaii and other countless contests. We moved away from the city that we both grew up in. We purchased our 1st home after 7 years of marriage. We experienced 4 labor and deliveries = 4 handsome boys. There have only been2 ER trips (John and Carter). We have owned 0 pets...not sure how I have steered clear of owning pets but I know I will have to cave one of these days. We have owned many dirt bikes & quads. We moved away from family and friends. John has had 2 different jobs(Coca Cola & Intel). There have been 4 different jobs for me(nanny jobs and scrapbook stores). We experienced the passing of John's Mom in the 6th month of our marriage. We experienced the loss of Grandpa Pung, Grandma Davis and Grandpa Shore. Last but not least, we have made( and still are) making hundreds of memories that will last a life time...we have 31 scrapbooks to prove it :-).
During the last 14 years of marriage, we have experienced great joy and some sadness. I can't even begin to imagine this ride with out John by my side. I am grateful for the man that he is. He works so hard to provide for our little family & for that I am so very grateful. He is wonderful hubby & an even better Father.
Happy 14th anniversary, John boy. I Love you!

Sunday, September 12, 2010
so proud
So very proud of this boy. If you were to ask him about Cross Country, he would immediately tell you that he is isn't a long distance runner. He is a sprinter. He wanted to be involved in middle school sports this year. The only sports offered to the 6th graders are Cross Country, Track and Field and Wrestling(which he is not a fan of). He was immediately moved up to Group Two which consists of 7th grade boys and a select few, 6th graders. He participated in his first meet last week. I was so proud watching him pass by on the track. He did great!!

It was fun to cheer him on as he crossed over the finish line. I loved hearing the little boys cheer him on. They were so proud of their big brother. They informed me that they are making signs for next time and that Tanner's name will be on them :-). I asked Tanner what he was most proud of during the race and he replied "not throwing up at the finish line". He watched one of the older boys loose it right before he was to race. He pushed through and made it, without the throw up. That a boy!
It was fun to cheer him on as he crossed over the finish line. I loved hearing the little boys cheer him on. They were so proud of their big brother. They informed me that they are making signs for next time and that Tanner's name will be on them :-). I asked Tanner what he was most proud of during the race and he replied "not throwing up at the finish line". He watched one of the older boys loose it right before he was to race. He pushed through and made it, without the throw up. That a boy!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
It is official, I am on a star kick. Here is this weeks layout. Instead of re-inventing the wheel each time I sit down to create a new layout, I will sometimes use a layout that has already been created and stashed in our albums.. Remember this layout from February? I used the same layout and created this soccer layout.

I love that these photos are from this past weekend...yes, you read that right :-). I love that they are already scrapbooked. I love that I was able to use random scraps of B&W pattern paper from my stash to create my stars. I love that I had all of the supplies on hand, in my stash.
I have star punches and star die cuts for my Quickutz but I always go back to this template.

The template comes from a Heidi Swapp package of acetate stars. The stars were cute, I used each and every one of them. I can't tell you how many times I have used this template to create stars for my layouts. I just trace and cut. I love when I can reuse something over and over again...totally feel like I got my moneys worth :-). Do you have an inexpensive/recycled scrap tool or technique that you use over and over again? Please share.
I love that these photos are from this past weekend...yes, you read that right :-). I love that they are already scrapbooked. I love that I was able to use random scraps of B&W pattern paper from my stash to create my stars. I love that I had all of the supplies on hand, in my stash.
I have star punches and star die cuts for my Quickutz but I always go back to this template.
The template comes from a Heidi Swapp package of acetate stars. The stars were cute, I used each and every one of them. I can't tell you how many times I have used this template to create stars for my layouts. I just trace and cut. I love when I can reuse something over and over again...totally feel like I got my moneys worth :-). Do you have an inexpensive/recycled scrap tool or technique that you use over and over again? Please share.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I received a CD of photos from my sweet friend, Meredith. She totally, without a doubt captured my boys personalities to a "T" them. I love these little story board images that she put together of each boy. *SIGH* my heart feels like it is going to burst... I love these little boys so much.




Our favorite pose :-)...personality for sure!

Thank you, Mer! You captured our family perfectly. We love you!




Our favorite pose :-)...personality for sure!

Thank you, Mer! You captured our family perfectly. We love you!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Feeling very productive today. It was the 2nd day of preschool for Brody. In those three short hours, I was able to clean my kitchen, get dinner started in the crock pot, two loads of laundry AND I started/finished a layout. I don't think I will have any problems getting used to this alone time :-).
Here is the layout I was able to complete. I used another sketch from Alison Davis.

I ended up adding journaling to the top right hand corner. Not sure if I like it there but it is done and hey, I journaled with my own handwriting. That has to count for something, right? I used Scenic Route products from my stash. I have a hard time using any my Scenic Route stuff. The company went out of business. It still makes me so sad...they were one of my all time faves.
On a happier note, have you heard that Green Tangerines will be re-opening their doors later this month? I am over the top excited...I can't wait. I'll keep you posted on the official date. Scrappy Hour, anyone?
***Edited***it is official. See countdown clock for GT re-opening :-).
Here is the layout I was able to complete. I used another sketch from Alison Davis.
I ended up adding journaling to the top right hand corner. Not sure if I like it there but it is done and hey, I journaled with my own handwriting. That has to count for something, right? I used Scenic Route products from my stash. I have a hard time using any my Scenic Route stuff. The company went out of business. It still makes me so sad...they were one of my all time faves.
On a happier note, have you heard that Green Tangerines will be re-opening their doors later this month? I am over the top excited...I can't wait. I'll keep you posted on the official date. Scrappy Hour, anyone?
***Edited***it is official. See countdown clock for GT re-opening :-).
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
There really aren't any other words to describe how I am feeling...just very thankful! I have spent the last week really trying to think about and appreciate all that is good in my life. There is so much to be thankful for. Here are a few of the things that made me smile.
A quiet little knock on our front door at 8 pm last night. We opened the door and there stood our sweet friends Mer, Dylan and Baby Crosby. They were delivering a sweet treat and a CD of photos. Check out this adorable cake... *sigh* red polka dots. Doesn't get any better in my world.

But it does get better, look at this inside of this cake. So fun and colorful. Made with love from our sweet friends.Thank you sweet Tilton family.

I am thankful for the very sweet email I received in my inbox, from another dear friend. I used to serve with her in the YW's program and she was thanking me for the lessons that I share with the girls each week and letting me know that she appreciated the spirit she felt when I taught. Her note made me smile and count my blessing for her friendship.
I am thankful for good health...for myself and my boys. Nothing like a horrible little summer cold(mid August) to remind you how good it feels to be healthy.
I am so very thankful for the teachers who spend time with my boys on a daily basis. The school year is off to a fantastic start. The boys love their teachers and enjoy going to school each day. I know the teachers play a BIG part in that.

I am thankful for Tanner and his "I Love You's". There isn't a phone call from him or a day that he gets out of the car to go to school that he doesn't tell me he loves me. Hello, he is a middler schooler and is still doing this. I will take it for as long as I can get it. I know the teen years are fast approaching :-).
{photo taken by my talented friend, Meredith. more to come from this shoot}
I am thankful for modern day technology. Even though I don't get to see my family or favorite friends on a daily basis, I feel connected through emails, blog posts and FaceBook. We live in a amazing time.
I am thankful for my Mom. Our little family received some fun notes from her via snail in the month of August. She sent Brody a post card about his potty training. Tanner and Carter received notes from her about what great great examples they are being. The boys also each received a new school shirt and tucked inside was a Target gift card to buy school fun!

For fun, I thought we would do a little drawing/give away. To any of you who have left a comment(thank you, we love comments) on our blog during the month of August, your name was entered. I entered your name for each comment you left. I am thankful for the fun connections I have with each of you.
The random winner of a Bath and Body gift card is

Congrats, Michelle. I will pop that in the mail :-).
Happy September,friends!
A quiet little knock on our front door at 8 pm last night. We opened the door and there stood our sweet friends Mer, Dylan and Baby Crosby. They were delivering a sweet treat and a CD of photos. Check out this adorable cake... *sigh* red polka dots. Doesn't get any better in my world.
But it does get better, look at this inside of this cake. So fun and colorful. Made with love from our sweet friends.Thank you sweet Tilton family.
I am thankful for the very sweet email I received in my inbox, from another dear friend. I used to serve with her in the YW's program and she was thanking me for the lessons that I share with the girls each week and letting me know that she appreciated the spirit she felt when I taught. Her note made me smile and count my blessing for her friendship.
I am thankful for good health...for myself and my boys. Nothing like a horrible little summer cold(mid August) to remind you how good it feels to be healthy.
I am so very thankful for the teachers who spend time with my boys on a daily basis. The school year is off to a fantastic start. The boys love their teachers and enjoy going to school each day. I know the teachers play a BIG part in that.
I am thankful for Tanner and his "I Love You's". There isn't a phone call from him or a day that he gets out of the car to go to school that he doesn't tell me he loves me. Hello, he is a middler schooler and is still doing this. I will take it for as long as I can get it. I know the teen years are fast approaching :-).
{photo taken by my talented friend, Meredith. more to come from this shoot}
I am thankful for modern day technology. Even though I don't get to see my family or favorite friends on a daily basis, I feel connected through emails, blog posts and FaceBook. We live in a amazing time.
I am thankful for my Mom. Our little family received some fun notes from her via snail in the month of August. She sent Brody a post card about his potty training. Tanner and Carter received notes from her about what great great examples they are being. The boys also each received a new school shirt and tucked inside was a Target gift card to buy school fun!
For fun, I thought we would do a little drawing/give away. To any of you who have left a comment(thank you, we love comments) on our blog during the month of August, your name was entered. I entered your name for each comment you left. I am thankful for the fun connections I have with each of you.
The random winner of a Bath and Body gift card is
Congrats, Michelle. I will pop that in the mail :-).
Happy September,friends!
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