Mr. Brody has been two for a week now. I am just getting around to recording his milestones. I took him to the mall while John & the older boys were camping last weekend. Brody was all smiles for the first 5 shots & then decided he wanted nothing to do with the photographer. He even started to cry. It was weird. Luckily, the 5 photos that the girl took, were all cute.
At two, Brody:
- is still a very happy boy.
- is a chatter box, loves to repeat everything we say.
- is always quick to say I Love YOU.
- is a baseball fan. He loves to put the catcher gear on & Yell "safe" & "Double".
- is still a "blankie" boy. He has 5 little pieces of his beloved "baby" left.
- is a good listener, our best by far :-).
- is down to one nap a day (if we are lucky).
- is very independent.
- is a smart boy. Loves to count with Mom & is learning his ABC's.
- is quite the dancer. We love to watch him shake it.
- is very tender. Loves to give us all hugs & kisses.
- is a cookie monster. He loves any kind of cookie.
- is still a big fan of Elmo.
- loves animals, esecially puppies. Doesn't matter what size they are, he calls them puppies.
- will say "knuckles". This is his way of giving you a high five. You put your knuckles out & he puts his knuckles to yours & then says "Knuckles". He laughs the entire time.
- if you sneeze or cough he will say "bless you". I pretend sneeze all the time just to hear him say it :-).
- can tell you that is name is "BroBy". It is so cute.
- can tell you that he is two.
- will say "Hi Grandma" anytime he picks up a phone, real or pretend.
- will say "love you Ma-MA, Da-Da!
Life at two has been fun so far. Not much has changed from age 1 to 2...except for his vocabulary. We are amazed at what he can say & express. Just today, he said Tinker Bell when he saw a commercial for the new TB movie. It was so cute. He has always been a mover & shaker & continues to keep us on our toes. We love him so much!
such a cute boy! i am so glad he and sam are friends.
He is SO CUTE!! Don't you just want to kiss those cheeks all the time. Happy Birthday little one!
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