You all know how much I love receiving snail mail. It makes me happy. Once again, my Mom made my day. I received a very sweet note from her. She was doing a little spring cleaning herself & came across a talk I had written & had actually given @ church when I was 18 years old. The talks theme was all about ones talents. I wrote about how I knew that I couldn't sing very well like my friend Trina. I knew that although I played tennis, I wasn't as good as my friend Chris. My whole talk focused on the quiet talents that people posses. 16 years later, my Mom sends me this talk & a list of the talents she has watched me develop over the years. Her sweet note put a smile on my face & of course made me get all teary eyed. Thanks for making my day Mom!
Tanner received this letter in the mail.
He was selected to try out for the All Star baseball team.
Two boys from each team were selected. Way to GO Tanner.
John worked from home on Friday so he could be there for the boys when they received their awards @ school. The boys love when Dad is home in the mornings. John took a 10
minute break so he could ride bikes with the boys to school. They love it! Nobody gets left behind...except for me so I can take the photos.
I am still on track for taking at least one picture each day. If anything, it is hard to narrow it down to one picture, to represent that day. It has been fun to capture/remember what was important to us each & every day of 2009. Now I just need to get started on the format of this album :-) & the printing of all of the pictures.
We are off to the pizza party for Carter's baseball team. I have a pretty good idea what today's photo will be!