Carter received the Coyote of the Month award today. The characteristic that they focused on during the month of April was citizenship. On Monday, Carter came home with an envelope addressed to the Parents of Carter. He handed it to me & then tried to hover & read over my shoulder. He then immediately asked if he was getting an award. I simply replied that "it was a note to Daddy & I telling us that he had been good @ school". He was on to us. You never know if your child will be receiving the Coyote of the Month or the Character award. That part is a surprise to everyone. We tried to slip in the back door to the assembly this morning. You will find all of the kids looking around to see if their parents are there. Then it is a dead give away when you've been spotted. They know they are receiving an award. We thought we did a good job hiding in the back row until Carter's friend "E" spotted us & would not stop waving to us. He was telling Carter to "look, look, look, there's your Mom & Dad". We were cracking up. When Mrs. S called Carter's name for Coyote of the Month, he had a HUGE smile, he beamed from ear to ear.
This is what Mrs. S had to say about Carter ."Carter has earned Coyote of the Month for many reasons. He is excelling in all academic areas. He is responsible for completing assignments to his best ability, and returns homework on a regular basis. He makes good choices, and makes friends easily. I appreciate the good examples he sets in class. Carter is a wonderful student"!
I got all teary eyed when she said those things about my boy. He does try really hard. It is nice & feels good to hear it from others, especially his teacher. Some days I have a hard time sending them away to school each day. They are there for 6 plus hours of their day, then usually off to some sporting practice, home to eat & then bed. I feel like I don't get to spend enough time with the older boys. Sorry, kind of got off on a tangent. It is just nice to know that they are doing well in school & even better that they love being there. I am so grateful for fabulous teachers (knock on wood for the coming years) who really take the time to teach my children.
We are so proud of Carter & his achievements. Way to go Carter! Keep up the awesome work.
Congratulations Carter! Great job.
Lisa P.
What a great kid. Good job Carter!
GOod kids usually have good parents too. Good job Raimi and John!
YAHOOO!!! way to go Carter!! this is soooo impressive!
I really loved coyote ridge when we were there it is a really great school and fun that they have programs like that. Great job carter!
congrats Carter
94It seems like your kids are always getting awards. Way to go. You have great boys, and you are great parents!
Way to go Carter -- You Rock! Keep up the great and amazing work!
great job Carter! Isn't it crazy that we are parents to such big resposnible kids? I still feel like a kid in so many ways.
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