Tanner & Coach Joe.

Tanner & Carter both received the game balls today. Each coach picks a player @ the end of each game. It is someone he feels contributed to the over all game. This is a big deal to all of the boys. We are so proud of Tanner & Carter. Tanner received the game ball for making 5 outs & he had an excellent slide into third base. Carter received the game ball for making 5 outs, 3 of them were right in a row during the last inning-three away! He also had three awesome hits today(two doubles & a single). We really enjoy watching them play ball. They are so into the game. Grandpa Hans & Frances joined us @ the ball fields today. Grandpa trailed Garrett the entire time. I was able to watch the games. It was awesome & rare occurrence. John is usually helping coach the team & I can be found chasing a child or two!!! Thanks for helping me out Grandpa Hans!
It was a crazy day here. We had the two baseball games, three birthday parties, we stopped by our Sacramento Temple & even had time to do some outlet shopping-YEAH! We are exhausted & ready for bed.
We hope your Saturday was fabulous! I think it is time for another fun give away! Drop us a line & let us know what you did today. We will draw a name on Monday for a gift card to one of our favorite stores.
wow, Ryan wants to know how you get a game ball? His team doesn't do that.
Well today, I sort of slept in, a little under the weather. I took Brittney to a FOUR hour b-day party. Wow, too long for me.
I haven't done much after that excpet lay down. I'm off to bed. Sorry, not as much fun as you.
AWESOME!! big time woooo hooo for those boys of yours. what are the odds, huh? 2 game balls one family?!? your kids are all stars!!
ooooooh a giveaway...weeeeeeee!!
today started with a loooong early morning hike with J and her friend and Paul and i. it was beautiful and springy and everything was lush and green and we were grateful for God's beauty all around us. THEN i took the girls to the mall so they could buy some junk from Claire's and Sanrio. we had a yummy lunch there and came home. the girls decided it was hot enough to swim...it wasn't our pool is not heated but they jumped in anyway and screamed like...girls! then 2 more friends came over for dinner and to get ready for a Cotillion at the Stake Center...FUN stuff. Paul and i dropped off J and her friends at the church and went for ice cream and a sit down face to face chat...with each other, not interuptions for 2 whole hours...it was a FAB day!!
Sacramento Temple? uh where do y'all live? did i know you lived close to us?
Way to go Tanner & Carter!!
We didn't do a whole lot yesterday. I made homemade waffles with sliced strawberries & whipped cream for breakfast. My boys were in heaven. Needless to say there weren't any leftovers.
Lisa P.
G was gone most of the the day (work thing). We did a lot of chores inside and out. When G came home, lawns got mowed etc. I sent off the 3 older boys to, what they call, the "BB Forest" -- just where all of the dirt trails are ... they like to look for BB's etc. But, B sunk knee-deep into mud and they had to cut it a little short. So, then the boys all put on their swim suits and played with the hose. Miracle of miracles: I got all of the laundry put away. We just hung out the rest of the night
I also meant to congratulate your boys for earning the Game Ball. Way to go Tanner & Carter!!! What a big day for your boys.
How cool that they both got the ball! Carter did awesome, he had some amazing throws during the game also. Our day was spent throwing all our belongings into boxes and trash bags!
I love giveaways too. Went shopping for food, getting ready for baptism in our house, did some shopping for me. Hubby had a massage, rented movies.
April 19th was one of our greatest days ever! Ethan had a baseball game in the morning and then Halli was baptized. It was such a special day. Then we had a huge BBQ at our house that ended at 10:00 at night!! It really was a big day for us too! congrats on the game balls that is totally awsome!!!
Dan and I got free dinner!! I posted the story on my blog. It was great!!!
Your kids are so handsome by the way!
Congrats on the good games! Way to go! I love baseball season!
We worked on Jordan's "honey do" list. Time is running short before he is supposed to have it done (when the baby arrives!) And I of course indulged myself in "New Moon."
Glad you had a good weekend as well!
Hey lady, cute baseball pics. Way to go boys!
My Saturday was very uneventful. We woke up and made crepes (gotta love Saturdays). We picked up the house. I read a book. We went to J's soccer game. And then went to Pizza Hut for some free food (thanks to the book it program)! We came home put kids to bed and I finished up church work. Blah, blah and blah.
We spent Saturday night at the St. Joseph of Cupertino school auction and buffet dinner. Decorations were fabulous, food yummy and everything auctioned both silent and live were exciting. A trip to Puerta Villarta went very reasonably! Raised a lot of money for the school and everyone had a good time I think.
Hugs, Free
It sounds like the perfect Saturday. I am amazed everyday at how happy kids can make you. It is so easy to be proud of them.
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