Brody turned 11 months old yesterday! I am a day late in posting his monthly happenings. I go a whole week w/out posting & now I just can't keep up. I did remember to take the monthly pictures of him. Can you believe we are one month away from celebrating his first birthday?
At 11 months Brody:
-still weighs about 25 lbs.
-he is very tall (@ last Dr. appt., he measured 4 in. taller than Garrett did @ the same age).
-he is wearing 18 month sized clothing.
-he is eating three meals a day (mostly baby food) & has a few bottles too.
-he still gags on the thicker, chunkier food. We are working on it.
-he is walking all over the place, it is his new mode of transportation.
-he has 5 teeth, three on the top & two on the bottom.
-he says: da-da, ma-ma, & Carter when he wants too!
-he waves Hi & BYE.
-he needs a hair cut around the ears.
-he loves to play chase. He will then turn around and chase you. It is fun & cute.
-I am no longer able to enjoy the full 3 hour block of church. You will find Brody & I in a hallway.
-he LOVES to swing in the swing the backyard (thank you Parkers) or @ the park.
-he loves ice water in his Sippy cup.
-he really enjoys the teething cookie/cracker things (can't think of the official name).
-he loves to pull his socks off-can't keep them on him right now.
-he loves to unload things:laundry, toy bins, garbage cans, toilet paper roll, etc...keeps us on our toes @ all times.
-he loves to clap & even does it @ the right times during the boys ball games.
-he loves it when we sing "If You're Happy & You Know IT" & will immediately smile & clap.
-he likes to growl & thinks it's funny when you do it back to him.
He is a doll & my Little Love. He brings me so much happiness on a daily basis.
I love my little baby bug!
Too cute!!!
Can't wait to celebrate!!!!!
he is SOOOOO beautiful!!
Can't believe he's almost 1! Where did THAT go? What a cutie pie ...
He's darling Raimi...and John. Time for more little krupps.
Such a cute kid! How fun it must be to hug that big little boy!
Wow! Where did the time go indeed!!
I have to let you know I love your music. Almost everyday while I am at work I come to your blog and listen to your music!! Thanks. It keeps me sane during my boring job!!!
He is so great. I love to tackle him and just play with him. I love the way he says Dad. After you grab him he will say Da Da and he just melts my heart.
He is growing up way to fast. We just got rid of some closes that are too small and I got a tear in my eye knowing that this is the last time I will have a cute bug walking for the first timm. Life passed by so fast and I tend to enjoy him as much as I can.
You have the cutest kids ever! And they are very lucky to have a wonderful Mom like you!
He is so dang cute. He has beautiful eyes! My girls can't get enough of baby Brody. Lauren asks if he will be at the baseball games.
He is sooooo adorable!
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