I just wanted to wish him a Happy Birthday & tell him how much I love him & how wonderful he is. He is my best friend, the father of my children & all that I have needed/hoped for in a husband. He works so hard for our family& is a great example to me & to our boys. He is always playing with the boys, coaching their teams, or taking them to the park. He is so great about spending quality time with them. They love him so much & so do I!
Happy birthday sweetie. Wishing you 40 more years of growth & happiness.
Please help me wish John a Happy 40th!
P.S. We have a had one busy weekend filled with baseball & parties (with one to go). I will post pictures of all of the festivities tomorrow!
Happy 40th, John! We hope you have a great birthday, and know that A LOT of people think you're awesome!!!
happy bithday to you
happy birthday john from all of us here in eagle colorado!
Happy Birthday John. Someone here in my house will be joining you in the 40 club next year. I hope it's survivable.
Happy Birthday John!!!
sory we missed the celebration, hope you had a great time!!!!
Hi John!
Happy Birthday you handsome devil you! Hope you had a really wonderful day. You are the luckiest man alive - with MY great friend as your wife and those beautiful, beautiful boys! Hope the next 40 are as terrific as the first! Sure do miss all of you.
Hugs, Free
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