A few random things we have enjoyed/experienced in the last few days.
Now that our Christmas cards have gone out, I can share some of my favorite photos from our November photo shoot with our photographer Chris Harder.
Why is it that the day after Christmas I always have this sudden urge to start purging closets, cupboards, drawers, etc...? Maybe it is because all of the new presents need to go somewhere & there just isn't any more room! I have cleaned my closet, the boys drawers, my scrapbook room, the cereal/can cupboard, junk drawers etc... It feels good & I think my house is 200 lbs. lighter.
I did some day after Christmas shopping! I hit Pier 1 & Target. Found some storage boxes for my wreaths, a few ornaments, & wrapping paper that was super cheap. I even managed to pick up two presents for next year.
Carter has FINALLY lost his 3rd tooth. It has been loose for about two months. We have heard about it daily & I have had to wiggle it each day just to "See" for Carter's sake. It has been a big deal for this boy! Lots of drama & tears. He wouldn't just pull it, then he'd get frustrated that it was still there. It is out & we are ALL happy. The tooth fairy came & left him $2.00.
The boys are loving the Wii. Amber,Kenny, my Mom & Dad stopped by for a quick visit last night & brought Tanner his birthday presents. Amber was a sucker & let Tanner open her gift early. It was the BMX Wii game. They have been enjoying that today! Thanks Amber.
Brody has a nasty cold, green snot & all. I know TMI! He does not feel well & you can tell. He is still on the move & into everything but he cries or whines while doing so. Poor baby!
In just about one month, I will be enjoying a scrapbook weekend @ the beach with friends. I can't wait!
Can I just say that I love the people @ Wal*MArt who look @ me like I am crazy & ask if all four of boys are mine. I want to say "No, I enjoy borrowing the neighbor kids when going to Wal*Mart"!
We are enjoying Dreyer's peppermint ice cream with Oreo cookies. It is a Christmas treat that we look forward to each year. Love that we are still enjoying it close to New Years.
We are also enjoying all of the Christmas cards/photos that everyone sent. Thank you! We love the updated pictures!
I was able to scrapbook with some friends last night! These were Friends from Memories! I met them while teaching classes there. I got there late, then it was time for dinner & then some other girlfriends stopped by the store to say hi(Hi Erin, Hi Jan, Hi Morgan). After chatting for an hour & a half, I got to work. I had completed one page by the time I left @ 11:50 pm. I was not very productive but I sure had a good time!
I am glad I started this Blog. It has been our family journal for the last 6 months. I created a Harry Potter page for Tanner last night (yes the one page I completed). They were the pictures I had taken when we went to get the book @ midnight when it was released. For some reason those pictures did not have dates on them. I was able to find the date on my blog because I had blogged about it. I wish I hadn't journaled the layout @ the store. I should have waited & used my blog entry. I had better details in the blog entry. So... if there are some of you who have not started your blog, do it now! I highly recommend it!
We are looking forward to New Year's Eve! We can't believe 2007 is almost over! It has been a great year filled with lots of memories! We hope you have a happy & safe New Year's Eve!
I love your random info. Erin's about to lose her 7th tooth. Crazy. I too am ready to throw half of the junk in my house out. I feel my walls closing in on me. Enjoy the new year. Due to lack of a babysitter, Mike and I will probably enjoy a quiet night playing Scrabble. Exciting I know.
Happy early birthday to Tanner.
I hope Brody gets better soon and that the rest of you stay healthy.
Thanks for sharing your info. I always enjoy reading about your family. The pictures turned out cute!!! I'm jealous about your weekend away, I hope you get tons done. Sounds like a blast!! I hope Brody feels better. Congratulations Carter on losing another tooth. Happy Birthday Tanner! Have a Wonderful New Years!!!
You are brave taking four kids to wal-mart by yourself!!! I have made MANY trips to the DI the past few weeks, lots of my stuff, and lots of moms stuff! Her house is...hopeless:)
Raimi, I love catching up with you and seeing your beautiful family. You have some cute boys! Hey what are the Laprays up to.
this was so much fun to read...we could totally be friends...wait was that tooooo stalkerish? lol
anyway i am adding you to my blog rool so i can remember to stop by again!
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