2011 Year In ReviewI have completed this review for the last four years now & have decided to do it again. I am doing it mainly for myself :) & future posterity. It has been fun to look back & read what was important & fun in our lives. I usually work on this post for a day or two so I can sleep on my thoughts to each question. Let me know if you join in. I’d love to be in the know.
1.What did you do in 2011 that you have never done before? I consistently went to the gym, 5 days a week. I only missed a total of 5 days during the entire year due to illness or out of town travels.
2. Did you keep your 2011 New Year's resolutions and will you make more for 2012? 
I always make resolutions at the start of each New Year. I am happy to report that I did indeed keep a few of them this year. I am usually good for a week and then I forget about them. This year, I wanted to exercise 4 times a week. When I wrote this goal down, I had no idea how I was going to accomplish it. I hadn’t even heard of Fitness MD. My boss(and friend), Kelly asked if I wanted to attend Fitness MD with her. Mind you, when I said yes, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. A year later, I can honestly tell you that it was one of the best things I have EVER done for myself.
I also wanted to run my 1st 5k. Again, when I wrote this goal down, I had no idea had I would accomplish it. Actually, I laughed out loud when I wrote this down. I was not a runner and did not want to become one. With some determination and Fit Club workouts, I was able to check this goal off of my list. Carter and I accomplished that goal on Thanksgiving Day! We ran our 1st 5k during the Roseville Turkey Trot.
Another goal I wrote down was how I wanted to attend the Temple more often. I wasn’t able to attend as much as I would have liked but I attended the Temple more in 2011 than I did in 2010.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth in 2011? Yes. My sweet friend, Amy gave birth. Darling Lucy Marie joined their family in September. She is so cute! This girl has some seriously darling outfits.
My fun friend,Jen gave birth to a happy baby girl. Capri joined their family in the Spring of this year.
4. Did anyone close to you die in 2011?I feel very blessed to be able to answer no to this question, this year.
5. What countries did you visit this year? None. Heck, I didn’t even leave the state of California this year. I am NOT the world traveler…maybe someday.
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?New clothes…seriously. I am in serious need of some new clothes. As my body has become smaller, my wardrobe has become sparse. I haven’t wanted to run out and purchase a ton of new clothes yet. I am saving that for when I hit my goal weight. One of the 1st chores I will be tackling in the new year is my closet. I will be cleaning it out and getting rid of the items that don’t fit. Trust me when I say how thrilled I am to have lost weight but for a girl who loves shopping and clothes, this has been HARD!
7. What date from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

July 10th and July 26th. These were both days that were filled with All Star baseball. Both dates were BIG wins for the Woodcreek All Star team. These were games that the other teams we played thought they had the wins in the bag. Our boys played their hearts out and ended up winning both games. The July 26th game was such an emotional one for me. Carter was the last batter of the game. They needed Carter to hit the ball. Carter had a walk off double to win the game. I was jumping up and down and crying and when I turned around to look at my family, my Dad was crying. He was so emotional that he couldn’t even talk. It was such a big, emotional moment for us baseball loving fans…proud Mommy moment for sure.
8. What was your biggest achievement this year?
I have two biggest achievements this year. My 1st biggest achievement was getting my rear end to the gym every morning at 6:30 am. My 2nd achievement was dropping 87 lbs.(and counting) in one year.
9. What was your biggest struggle this year? Learning to run at the gym when they would yell large lap. A large lap is a run around the perimeter of gym parking lot. It measures ½ mile in distance. I would literally shudder and cringe every time a trainer would yell "large lap." Again, it is that whole “I am not a runner” mentality. I am going to be honest, I still don’t love running but I am happy to report that I don’t cringe when they yell large lap. I just do it and get it over with.
10. Did you suffer any illness or injury in 2011?Just one nasty cold and one round of the flu. I did pull my groin muscle. OWIE. That was painful. I could not run for about a month but I was still diligent about attending my Fit Club classes and doing what I could until it healed completely. Other than that, I was very healthy.
11. What was the best thing you bought this year? 
The Becky Higgins PROJECT LIFE kit. I absolutely loved recording some tidbit(with a photo)from our lives each and every day of this year. It kind of released me from feeling stressed about being able to scrapbook/record every single event in our lives. I also loved how I was able to capture and record the little things that are important to us. It's those little things that may have gotten lost in the shuffle of every day life. Now they are recorded and housed in our Project Life album. I will be tackling this project again in 2012. I am meeting up with some friends on a monthly basis to work on our Project Life albums. I think it will be fun to help keep each other on track and glean some creative inspiration from one another.
My Fitness MD membership was another fabulous purchase. Again, it was the best thing I could have ever done for myself, my health…and my family.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?Garrett gets this one again. He has become quite the little reader. He has struggled with his reading during the last couple of years. With the help of some wonderful teachers, Ms. Debbie and John and I reading with him daily, he made huge strides. We are so proud of him. He also was picked for the basketball All Star team and had great seasons playing baseball and soccer.

Carter had another great school year. He made the Honor Roll(again), received a perfect attendance award and earned the Coyote of the Month from Ms. Harney.

Carter also had an amazing Summer filled with lots of All Star baseball. He tried out for the team and made both cuts. He was on cloud 9 and ready to bleach his hair(All Star tradition). Carter won a major game for his team with a walk off double. He also hit his very 1st home run(s)(two in the same game). His Woodcreek All Star team won the District, Section and the Northern California titles. It was a fun Summer for our entire family.
Tanner had a great school year, too. He pulled off another year with straight A’s. He was also enrolled in an advanced math class and passed it with flying colors. They had two days filled with math tests, 8 tests total. Tanner scored a perfect 800 out of 800. There were only 7 students(out of 350) to get a perfect score. He also played Flag Football for the Silverado team for the 1st time. He was the quarterback and received the MVP award. He threw lots of touchdowns and even scored a few touchdowns off of some interceptions. He was fun to watch.

Brody learned to ride a two-wheeler(in Jan.-seems so long ago) and he also learned to write his name. Big milestones for that sweet boy.

13. Whose behavior disappointed you? Not going here on my blog this year. I am trying to keep all aspects of my life on a positive note.
14. Where did most of your money go? 
Garrett had two surgeries this year. While we do have great medical insurance, there were some costs that were not covered. He gets the most money spent award on medical procedures! They were worth every penny!
15. What did you get really excited about this year? I had many things to get excited about this year.
a. Scrapbook weekend @ the beach with favorite friends.

b. Lake Tahoe trips with family and friends.
c. Surprise Anniversary get away to see Maroon 5. We had 7th row tickets on the floor.
d. Weight loss.
e. Sugarland concert with favorite friends.

f. Journey concert with my sweetie.
g. Maroon 5 concert with my sweetie.

h. Train concert with my sweetie.
i. Taking the boys to a Giants game to watch the World Series Champs play.

j. Our friend Chris Tates Temple marriage. It was wonderful to be a part of his special day.

k. Girls Night Out(Bunko syle in our jammies)
16. What song will always remind you of 2011? I fell in love with a million new songs this year. I LOVE music. A few of my favorites in 2011 were:
1. Own It - The Black Eyed Peas I heard this song for the 1st time during my 1st month at Fitness MD. It talks about following your dreams and owning your dreams. It kind of became my theme song for 2011. It still motivates me and makes me tear up. Who knew a Black Eyed Peas song was capable of that?
2.Fighter – Christina Aguilera. My cousin, Kerstin reintroduced me to this song in November. I was looking for a good running song and this is the one. It has gotten me through my timed 1.5 mile runs. It just makes me run and work a little bit harder.
3. Words-TrainThis song talks about not letting other peoples words getting you down. My favorite part of the song is as follows “With or without words, we try to forgive. Words, they’ll try to shake you, don’t let them break you or stop your world from turning. When words keep you from feeling good, use them as firewood, and let em’ burn.”
4.Pumped Up Kicks – Foster the PeopleJust a fun song to sing along too! I have always loved Top 40/Pop and this song is the perfect example of that.
5. Honey bee – Blake SheltonI love Blake Shelton and this cute, sweet, funny song. John laughs and rolls his eyes every time I play it. He still isn’t a country fan. Little does he know that that song makes me think of him(minus the whiskey part) every time I play/hear it. Love you, John boy.
6.I Love You This Big – Scotty McCreery
“I love you to the moon and back. I love you all of the time.” Enough said. This song speaks to me and the love I have for John and my boys.
7.We Found Love –Rihanna8. Sara Bareilles - loving all of her albums/songs. I saw her open for Sugarland over the Summer and fell in love with her music. She is so talented.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you: much happier, much nicer or richer? I am happier for sure! I have really strived to help others this year. Whether it’s been a kind word, gesture, smile, or getting in and helping with manual labor, I have tried! When you serve others you will find a happiness like no other.
18. What do you wish you had done more of?
Reading. One of my goals was to read at least 2 books a month. I fell short on some months. I read when I get into bed. I was usually so tired that I would only last a page or two. It took me longer to get through some of the books. I am hoping to read 2 books a month this year. I am making time for this goal, this year.
19. What do you wish you had done less of? 
Facebook for sure! While I do love Facebook and the ability to connect with friends and family that I don’t get to see very often, I don’t like how easily I can be sucked in. We call it time suck at our house. Less FB in 2012.
20. Did you fall in love this year?
Yes. Just when I don’t think I can love John or my boys any more that I already do, they do something wonderful and I can’t help but fall in love with them again…over and over again!
21. What was your favorite TV Program in 2011? I don’t have the TV on during the day. We signed up for DVR(I know, we are behind the times) from our cable company this year and I love it so. I am able to record a few shows and then watch them while I log my miles on the treadmill. A few of my current favorite shows are Dr. Oz, Rachel Ray, The X Factor and The Voice.
22. What was the best book you read this year?I finally read Sarah’s Keys. I could not put this book down. It was a hard story to read but the author did a fantastic job telling the story. The characters were developed well and so was the story! This is a must read if you haven’t already done so.
23. What was your greatest musical discovery this past year? Javier Colon from The Voice.

His voice is pure. When I first heard his cover of Cyndi Lauper’s Time After Time, I got goose bumps up and down my arms. I was sold and became an instant fan.
Sara Bareilles was another favorite find. I had heard a few of her songs before but hadn’t given much thought to them. Like I stated above, I had the chance to see her perform live. I fell in love and instantly downloaded her albums. Her music makes me want to get up and dance around my family room. Let the Rain, Many the Miles, & Gravity are a few of my favorites.
24. What did you want and get this year? A new, healthier ME. Can you tell it was my focus this year?
25. What was the best movie you saw this year? 
(photo via Stephanie J., thanks Steph)
Hands down, it was The Help. I had read the book several years ago and was super excited when I heard they were making a movie out of the book. I loved the movie and thought they did a really good job keeping the movie as true as they could to the book. They did an superb job casting this movie…they played their roles to a T.
26. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?

I turned 37 this year. I am 3 years away from 40…eeeekkkkk! John sent me off to get a manicure and a pedicure…heaven. I was spoiled by friends and family. There were lots of visits on my porch with friends, phone calls, and FB messages. It was a wonderful day
filled with the things and people I love the most.
27. What would have made your year more satisfying? A longer weekend get away with John. We were better this year. We were able to escape to Lake Tahoe and San Diego this year, just the two of us. While both trips were awesome, we decided that we needed a longer escape than just a 2 day weekend. We have to have something to work towards, right?
28. How would you describe your personal fashion statement this year? Hello, workout clothes! I found myself spending a lot of time in dri fit workout pants/shirts and tennis shoes. I have always thought my boys produced a ton of dirty laundry….I was right there with them. My clothes are smaller and limited. I have two pairs of jeans that currently fit and 5 shirts. For a girl who loves clothes and shopping, it has been hard. I have decided to wait until I am at my goal weight before I shop till I drop.
29. What kept you sane this year? John. My Mom. My sister, Amber. Friends. Workouts. Walking/running.
30. What celebrity did you fancy the most? Adam Levine!

The boy is cute and funny. I loved getting my weekly dose of him via The Voice. Seeing him live, in concert was just an extra bonus.
31. Who did you miss this past year? I really thought about and missed my Grandma Davis this year. She was always so thoughtful with sending notes via snail mail. She would send me comics that made her think of me and my life with 4 boys. Sometimes she would send articles that she had read and thought that I might enjoy. Around my birthday(this year), I became very lonesome for her. I always looked forward to her birthday card each year. Her cute handwriting was always the first thing I noticed when I would pull the mail out of our box. She would put a little heart above each “i” in my name. It was so her and really all about the little things.
32. Who were the best new people you met this year?First up, my sweet, sweet friend Amanda!
(photo via our Tacky Christmas sweater party...we don't really dress like this)

I met Amanda when she was called to serve in the young Woman’s program(where I was/am currently serving). Amanda showed up at Fitness MD one morning to check it out. After her 10 day trial, she joined. She and I have been hitting the 6:30 am class together every day and I am SO glad she is there to endure it each morning with me. Amanda is kind, funny and super talented. She is always ready and willing to help out with whatever. She is the Mama to 4 young children, two of which are 2 yr. old twin boys. This girl IS busy and yet she finds time to serve and share her talents with others. I love Amanda and am so lucky to count her as one of my dear friends.
Up next, my friend Doris. I met Doris at Fitness MD. Doris inspired me when I met her. She is 59 years old and has been attending Fitness MD for 3 years. On the days I felt like I wanted to give up and quit, I would look at Doris and tell myself that if Doris can do it, so can I. I am not sure if she is aware of how much she inspired me this year but she has. I am grateful for her friendship and kindness. ***I need to bring my camera with me to the gym so I can get a picture of Doris to share.
David is next.

*photo swiped off of the Fitness MD website :-)
I am going to be totally honest. David scared me for the first half of the year. David is one of the trainers at Fitness MD. I would listen to him yell/get on other members at the gym. I did not want to be yelled at. I just avoided eye contact at all costs-haha. In July, I met with David. He was the new trainer assigned to me. I was a little nervous at first…okay, I was plain scared. I was very afraid of what he had in store for me. 6 months later, I can honestly say it was the best thing ever. He has challenged me and set weekly goals for me. I have seen drastic changes in my weight loss and overall, physical self. He had me start running(yes, I said running) intervals at home and it is melting the fat away. He wants his clients to see the results and I am. I have learned to appreciate his yelling(in a nice way). As soon as I hear my name at the gym, I immediately know I am not giving it my all and then I push my self to work harder. I am grateful for David and the opportunity I was given to try Fitness MD out. What a difference a year has made in my world.
33. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned this year: I have learned that I can do hard things. With some determination and goals, I can achieve anything.
I have also learned that being totally honest with someone about the things that matter most and are important to you(that maybe have hurt your feelings)can put your relationship in jeopardy. Just so you know, this has nothing to do with John and I's relationship...we are totally fine. This is something that I have NEVER, EVER been comfortable with, in fact I have struggled my whole life with this. There were some things during this last year that needed to be said and I did it(in a nice,loving way). Lets just say that it didn't go over very well.
Whew...that was a lot for one post. It was fun to re-read my answers from last year. It is a great way to record my year, in one spot. Give it a try...you'll be happy to have it recorded…something to look back on & see where you have improved & where you might still need help! I hope each & every one of you have a Happy, Healthy, & Safe New Year. May 2012 bring you LOVE, HAPPINESS, & great JOY!