My parents(Gran RanSan) and my Grandma Shore came up to visit so they could be here for Tanner's ordination at church. At the age of 12, the boys receive the Priesthood. A pretty special day for Tanner and John. We were so happy to have them here.
I have jumped on the Tara Whitney bandwagon and will be doing the six people twelve times photo project. We captured our first six people photo on this same day.
The Young Women from church have been door bell ditching the Grandmas and Grandpas in our ward. We thought it would be fun to brighten their Fall/Winter months. Each girl had 2-3 Grandparents that became "their" Grandparents. We dropped off homemade treats(doorbell ditch style), sent notes via snail mail, and even made some visits to their homes. They had no idea who their "Granddaughters" were. Everything was signed "your secret Granddaughter". We held a luncheon for the Grandparents and Granddaughters where they got to meet each other and have lunch together. It was so much fun and such a rewarding activity. Alot of the girls still write to their Grandparent each week even though they see them each Sunday.
We have officially finished our select soccer season. Now the boys are on to basketball. The season is off to a great start. You can even find Brody wearing the boys uniforms when they aren't wearing them...pretty much M-F.

121 one of us just completed our 2nd week of the Green Tangerines Biggest Loser Challenge. We have lost 596 pounds as an entire group, in two weeks. Imagine what the total weight loss will be at the end of the 12 weeks? I am happy to report that I have lost about 10 lbs. during those two weeks. I haven't been one of the top 3 weekly winners but I am so stinkin' proud of that loss :-). Kelly and I have been hitting the gym M-F and I honestly think that has been the key factor for me. Now that I think about it, I think the gym is to blame for the lack of blog posts :-). This night owl(when the blogging usually happens) has been in bed by 10 pm on most nights. The gym has kicked my rear but I can honestly say it has felt great.

I am still happily creating the Kit of the Weeks for Green Tangerines. This Year in Review was released two weeks ago. I love highlighting our years. Perfect place for those photos that might not make it onto a layout otherwise.
I am happy to report that our 2010 Project Life album is complete. I should be honest and tell you that it is missing one photo. One photo, folks. I can't find the photo I snapped of Garrett during his swim lessons during the Summer. It is driving me crazy. I have left a spot for it...hoping it surfaces. Brody looks at this album at least once a day. That in itself, makes the project so worth it!
It has been a great month. If the rest of our 2011 looks anything like January, it is going to be an amazing year.
what a big day for your little man. so exciting.
love the Secret Granddaughter, i did that as a youth and it is most def something i will always treasure!
you and your family make my heart sing!
i suppose you are excused from blogging super often if you are going to the gym! way to go.
that is a great photo of tanner with your mom and dad and grandma. i'm telling you, the weather looks perfect! i need to move:) your family photo is cute too!
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