I came across this quote while preparing for my YW's lesson last week. Our lesson was all about having good thoughts. We talked about the things that can help us to have positive thoughts all the time. This quote has become my new mantra
...definitely good words to live by. I used some more of my scrapbook stash(scraps) & even used one of my old clock stamps on the handouts. I found candy watches to attach to each handout for the girls.
Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.
Author unknown
what a cool idea and so true.
I'm just so excited for those YW in your ward. What an awesome example and inspiration you will be to them (and tons of fun too)! Congrats to them!
what a great idea, Raimi. You always know how to add the special touch to all you do. Those girls are so lucky.
LOVE IT! I'm going to add that quote to my long, long list of quotes. This one is a gem. Thanks for sharing ...
The YW leaders in our Ward just used that quote last night for our Spiritual Crocodiles Standards Night! It's definitely something we all need to keep in mind.
I love it! You do such darling things! Those girls are SOOO lucky to have you!
That's awesome, Raimi! Yes, i've heard that saying before and I love it!
Can you please do my handouts for me?
so cute! How long have you been in YW? I was just released and was so sad. Lucky girls you have!
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