I have wanted to join in on the fun and create my "official" Happy List for a while now. I often blog about the things and people who make me happy on a regular basis.. Mamarazzi has been blogging her Happy List on Fridays for a while now. Her lists always make me smile and remember all that is happy in my own life. Okay, so I realize that I am a day late, but I am doing it.
The things that are making me happy this week are:
A really busy week. I know that may sound weird but being busy(for the most part) makes me happy! It means I am healthy and able. It means I have places and friends to see. It means I am out, enjoying this beautiful world.
I am happy that I enjoyed several fun activities this week.

(photo via Stephanie-thanks Steph!)
I saw The Help with about 16 girlfriends one night this week. Fabulous movie...run out and see it...NOW!I thought it did the book(which I loved/adored)justice. I know our world still has a ways to go but after seeing that movie, I am glad that we have come this far.
I enjoyed a fun activity night, Survival 101 with the Young Woman at church. For Morghan's Survival 101 class she taught us different ways to style our hair. So fun to see those girls doing each others hair and some of the leaders, mine included! They actually got my stick straight hair to curl and keep that curl.
I got to escape on Thursday night and see SUGARLAND and Sara Bareilles with fun friends at Raley Field. It was kind of a last minute thing for me and I am so glad it worked out and that they thought of me for that extra ticket(love you, girls). We had tickets for the floor. I have always been a SUGARLAND fan(sorry Laurie H.-LOL) and after seeing them live, I LOVE them even more. They put on a great show. I am still dancing and singing to their albums. Making me happy for sure!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE how involved John is in our boys lives. He is such a great Daddy. He supports our boys in all they do. It makes my heart so HAPPY! I hope my boys know how lucky they are to have him in their lives. The basketball team for Garrett's age was in need of a coach. Mind you, Garrett was not even signed up to play for the summer session. The owner of the basketball league called John up and told him he needed him as a coach. John didn't hesitate and said "yes." Garrett was so pleased.

The gym makes My Happy List this week. Never in a million years would I ever have thought that would make any happy list of mine. The Fit Club classes at Fitness MD were hard this week. There was lots of running. I am still holding firm to the statement, "I am not a runner." I am not a runner but boy did we run this week. It was hard and I did it. That made me happy, after the fact :-).
I could seriously go on and on with MY Happy List! There are so many things that are making me happy. I will leave you with these few things that made the cut this week. I am pretty sure I will be back next Friday with a new list.
What would land on your Happy List this week?
I want to see and read The Help. Which should I do first, see the movie or read the book?
Your hair turned out super cute!
What a great list. Dev went to see The Help with her boyfriend and said the same thing- fabulous must see that did the book justice.
Have a wonderful week.
I just finished reading The Help. I loved it! Now, I just need to see the movie!
You have my dream calling! I've always wanted to be in YW. I'm always on the RS Activities board. lol! Or whatever it's called now. :D
I miss going to the gym. I need to get back to it. It's hard when I have a cute lil babe to snuggle with at home.
I am glad you are a bigger fan after the concert! I always hate it when the concert is a big disappointment! I love your happy list.
I laughed pretty hard that curling your hair was part of survival 101...
love your Happy List. and guess what? you aren't late at all, the linky is every weekend, so a Saturday or Sunday post is perfect!!
I love Sugarland. LOVED The Help, it is the first book to movie that really did the book proud, even though the book was better, the movie did NOT disappoint!
thanks for linking up!!
i had the best night (and best date) at the concert! what an amazing show!!! :)
You make me happy! Your happiness is so contagious. Your hair looks darling! And way to go with the exercising. YOU ROCK! I love the Help I can't wait to see the movie. I wish I could have gone with you fabulous ladies....I miss that sooo much:(
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