Holy cow! I know I say this every month...but really, where did the month go?
We have enjoyed lots of activities as a family and as individuals. Here it goes, our month by the numbers.
Zero books read. I am still working on Shanghai Girls and liking it...just having a hard time finding the time to read.
One minute shaved off of my 1.5 mile run for my Fitness MD assessment.
One.five miles were run(by me)without stopping...this was HUGE for me. Still not a fan of running :-).
Two baby birds born in the tree in our front yard...so sweet.
Three merit badges earned/received by Tanner at this months Court of Honor. Two of them count towards his Eagle. YAY!
Four the # of candles on Brody's birthday cake.
Four b. the # of days John spent in Arizona on business.
Six layouts created.
Seven pounds lost.
Eight blog posts for the month of May.
Eleven baseball games played by the boys.
Twelve friends get together for a fun night of good eats and Bunco.
Twenty Two days/hours spent working out.
Seventy Five miles logged on my treadmill.
Another great month! I am looking forward to June and maybe some warmer weather.