My Baby, my caboose is another year older. Right before my eyes, we have hit 4 years of age. I spent alot of my day (yesterday), soaking in his 3 year old goodness. I received lots of hugs and "I love You's" from him. He would ask "Do you need another hug"? Of course I did! As long as he was willing, I took each and every one of them.
Here are a few things that we love about Brody.
- Each and every morning, he wakes up with the biggest head of Bed Head. He asks us every morning if he looks like Brian Wilson. We thought Brian Wilson was known for his beard...not sure where the bed head came from -LOL!
- There is not a day goes by that he does not pull out his baseball glove that Grandpa Randy bought for him. He asks us what the glove says. It is made by Wilson and hence he thinks it is Brian Wilson's actual glove.
- He has the catchers stance down. He puts his glove on, squats, and puts his hand behind his back and is always ready to give the pitcher his signs.
- Do I even need to say it? This boy loves baseball.
- We are amazed at his ability to memorize. He walks around singing his favorites songs. A few of his current faves are I am a Child of God, Misery, Soul Sister, Why Georgia, and The House that Built Me.
- If you ask him how old he is, he will hold up 4 fingers, smirk and then tell you that he is 7. He wants to be just like Garrett.
- He says the sweetest little prayers each night.
Happy 4th Birthday, sweet boy. We are so lucky to have you as our son, our caboose. You make our family complete. We can't wait to see what your 4th year of life brings you!
That might be the cutest boy I've ever seen. Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Brody! There's just something about 4 year old boys! Enjoy your day!
happy birthday brody! katie's 4 year old is my nearest 4 year old. i ask him every time i see him if he will always stay nice and love his auntie. luckily he always says yes. 4 year olds are the best!
happy birthday handsome boy! we adore you and your silly dance moves :)
You are every bit as adorable as your mother says you are and so very fun to spend time with. It is hard to believe that you are already four.
Love Grandma Sandy
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