Happy April!
March has come and gone. March was filled with so many rainy days. I love rainy days but not for days on end. The 83 degree temperature day that we enjoyed yesterday sure makes up for all of those wet, cold days. We are really looking forward to all of the Spring days that lie ahead. The blossoms on the tress have been refreshing and the flowers blooming have been gorgeous. Bring on Spring!
ZERO the # of pull ups Brody is wearing to bed these days...our days of buingy diapers/pull ups are LONG gone. HOORAY!!!
ONE the number of years since Grandpa Shores passing. I miss him terribly.
SEVEN girlfriends at the beach for 3 days of relaxation.
EIGHT the number of years our family has lived in Roseville. On one hand, it feels like we have always lived here and on the other, those 8 years of flown by. The statement "time flies when you're having fun" really applies to our move/life here.
NINE blog posts for the month of March.
TEN the number of candles on Carter's birthday cake.
TWELVE weeks of the Green Tangerines Biggest Loser challenge completed. So motivating for me! I can't wait for the next challenge.
NINETEEN layouts completed this month.
TWENTY ONE DAYS/HOURS spent at the gym(Fitness MD) attending Fit Club classes.
THIRTY FIVE lbs. lost/gone. Ba-bye :-).
SEVENTY EIGHT.SEVENTY FIVE miles logged on my treadmill this month :-). This # does not include all of the laps(small, dump and large) completed at the gym.
ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY NINE cards prepped for our Girls Camp Mother's Day Fundraiser.
thirty-seven?! amazing friend!!! so, super proud of you!!! :)
Not only am I proud of your weight loss, I'm very jealous! I think I need to try one of those contest :)
CONGRATS!!!! That is wonderful!!! You inspire me...I should be running on the treadmill next to you...
Sounds like a successful month! congrats on all of your accomplishments!
WHOO HOO! 37 pounds. Congrats! I bet you are feeling great!
way to go raimi! you inspire many, especially me, in ALL you do! here's to a great april too:)
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