Here we are, the last day of October. I spent the latter part of the Summer, wishing that the Fall months would hurry up and get here. Now we are on the brink of November with Christmas right around the corner. Now I am hoping that time will slow down just a bit :-). I want to enjoy it ALL.
We had another fabulous month...one of my favorites.
ONE book read (Dewey's Nine lives)...review to come.
TWO A. the number of times our family was BOO'ed.
TWO B. family photo shoots this month...loving the new family photos.
THREE World Series games played by the Giants...hoping for that BIG win.
FOUR new albums added to my collection (John Mayer - Battle Studies Expanded edition, Taylor Swift - Speak Now, Kenny Chesney - Hemmingway Whiskey, and Sugarland - The Incredible Machine...love,love, love new music!
SIX pumpkins picked at the Pumpkin Patch
SEVEN dozen homemade sugar cookies baked for the 4th grade Harvest party
ELEVEN A. blog posts recorded.
ELEVEN B.scrapbook layouts completed...I am on a roll.
THIRTEEN soccer games were played by the 3 older boys.
THIRTY SIX candles on my birthday cake this year.
FIFTY FIVE days until Christmas.
EIGHTY NINE Trick or Treater's knocked on our door. Had to turn our lights off...we ran out of candy.
ONE HUNDRED SIXTY SEVEN birthday wishes on Facebook. John counted them. He kept calling me and asking "Have you seen all of your birthday wishes"? It was very fun and helped make my day.
THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR days without a Diet Coke...just in case you are wondering:-).