Lots of bowling. My friend, Eve gave us some free passes for the local bowling alley. We have been 3 times this week. Brody even gets in on the action. It is hilarious to watch him bowl.
The older boys and I were able to enjoy a fun afternoon on the lake with the youth from our church. It was a HOT Cali day so this was the perfect escape.
Lots of swimming! We are trying to get this little boy to enjoy the water. He is very reserved when it comes to the swimming pool. It boggles our mind...he loves the bathtub but will not venture into the pool. We have made it to the 3rd step and were surprised to see him creep along the wall.
Carter had a weekend soccer tournament in Folsom, CA.. At the end of the game we headed over to the Sacramento Temple. It is always a beautiful sight to see and even more so at dusk. Love the calm, peaceful feeling I get just by being on the grounds.
Carter's team had an awesome weekend on the fields despite the 100 plus degree weather. Notice the Mohawk on Carter :-). This has become his little ritual for the first tournament of the season. He grows his hair out all Summer long just for this weekend. These were their first official games of the season(they have been practicing for a month and a half). They beat Rocklin 5 to 1 to take the whole tournament. Sweet Victory.

Loved having my parents visit for the day. John and I gave talks in Sacrament meeting and my parents came to cheer us on and sit with the boys. We had Linner(late lunch/early dinner) so they could hit the road by 4 pm to go visit my Grandma Pung. She is in the hospital with a broken pelvis. Wishing her a speedy recovery.
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