Monday, May 13, 2013


This is what S.I.X. looks like!

 We celebrated Brody's 6th Birthday(with his friends) the day before his actual birthday! Brody had taken a bath and was getting dressed. As soon as he was fully dressed, he turned to face John and I and looked at and asked, "Do I look like a 6 year old now?" Totally made us laugh out loud and then we told him he wouldn't look like a 6 year old until his actual birthday! I still can't believe that my baby is 6 years old.

Brody invited a few friends from his kindergarten class and we celebrated at BOUNCE U. They bounced and bounced. They jumped. They slid and they even bounced in the dark, with glow in the dark lights and a safety vest for the Birthday Boy. He is the crowd before they got wild.

 After and hour and a half of bouncing and sliding, we went into the party room to have cake and open presents.

The crowd goes wild and gets a little crazy!

Happy 6th Birthday to our sweet Brody!