Oh boy! I am so behind on blog posts. Instead of trying to catch up, I thought I would start today and move forward. Before I do that, I wanted to record our February by the Numbers. They are some of my favorite posts to look back on, a quick glimpse of our family comings/goings/milestones.
ZERO books read by me(totally bums me out).
TWO different casts for Tanner(goodbye full leg cast, hello short cast).
THREE a. blog posts for the month...so sad!
THREE b. basketball parties celebrating awesome seasons.
FOUR a. layouts created...slow scrappin' month for me.
FOUR b. weeks of Fit Club classes under John's belt. Go, John, GO!
FIVE miles were run without stopping. First time ever(did this twice this month)!
EIGHT minute mile...fastest time ever!
Eleven a. friends get together to celebrate my 100 lb. weight loss...surprise style. Still makes me cry, I am blessed with amazing, thoughtful friends!
ELEVEN b. new songs downloaded. I bought the latest Blake Shelton album. Loving it!
TWELVE basketball games played by the boys(Carter,Garrett and Brody).
EIGHTEEN the # of candles on our niece, Sasha's birthday cake. It was fun to celebrate that milestone with her.
SIXTEEN family members go to the movies for my Mom's birthday!FUN!
TWENTY FIVE Fit Club classes were attended...couple of double days in there!
THIRTY FOUR years of marriage for my parents...thankful for their example.
FORTY NINE(RS) lose their shot at the Super Bowl...bummer.
SIXTY ONE candles on my Mama's birthday cake this year.
ONE HUNDRED lbs. gone from my body as of this month...HUGE goal checked off of the list.
ONE HUNDRED TWENTY miles logged(lots of running this month).