Brody picked out a new pair of kicks, got a new haircut w/spikes, decorated his bucket(portable cubby/backpack) and dressed himself in one of his new outfits. He was ready to go.
The only thing left to do was wait for the 2 hours until school started -LOL! He was thrilled to see his favorites friends from the 3 year old class return to the 4 year old class. This may be or not be the girl he mentions every night during our happy and sads around the dinner table(part of his happy report,of course).
And we can't forget about his best buddy,Sam - aka Sambo.
We are excited for Brody and the opportunity he will have to learn and to grow this year. We know he will have an amazing year with his teachers and friends. As he tells us on a daily basis, "one more year of preschool and then it's off to kindergarten." This Momma is hoping that the year doesn't fly by...I am not ready for him to grow up. I am off to fill my 3 hours w/out kiddos with all things you think a nap falls under productive category:-)?
He is so cute!
what?! so grown up... that's bittersweet to see him looking so handsome and like a little man. hope his first day was awesome!!!
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